Event Ideas & Kits
Bake a Creation
Event Ideas & Kits
02 Jun, 2021
The idea
The idea for this event came from our Donegal Branch who ran this very successfully as a Guide Dog Day fundraiser. This is a great challenge for the family and the secret Mary Berry’s out there!
The concept is to encourage your community to bake a doggy-themed treat and make a donation! Participants will take a photo of their sweet treat, post it on Facebook, tagging your Branch Facebook page, and donating €5 to your JustGiving page! Participants will be asked to tag 5 friends and challenge them to rise to the bake-off challenge. Donate and tag type challenges have proven to be a successful way of utilising social media to gain momentum for fundraisers.
You can run this whenever suits you.
You can set up a JustGiving page which all participants can encourage their friends, family and colleagues to donate to.
Spread the word amongst your family and friends encouraging them to get involved but also to ask them to drum up support within their own family, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc.
Why not ask your local bakeries to get involved? Or how about a local chef who might endorse the challenge and maybe even be the judge? If they are active on social media, it's a great way to engage with a wider audience and also a win for the local bakery or chef who can promote their own business.
Place posters in local shops and businesses.
Visit the Donegal Branch Instagram page @Donegalguidedogs to check out some of the delicious entries they received, and perhaps you could use these as inspiration for your own creations!
Sample social media posts
1. Fancy raising some serious dough for a fantastic cause?
Join us in our Bake a Creation, Make a Donation Challenge for Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind! [tag IGDB]
We are challenging you to get creative with your baking skills and bake some doggy-themed tasty treats for all to enjoy. Whether you consider yourself a novice or pro we want you to get involved and have some fun!
Once you bake your creation please donate €5, post your photo on Facebook, and tag our page [insert Branch FB] and tag 5 friends to get involved!
You can make a donation to our JustGiving page. [insert link]
#ChangingLives #BakeACreationMakeADonation
2. Nothing says home like the smell of fresh baking!! Ambassador Dog Rocco is super excited about our Bake a Creation, Make A Donation Challenge and is challenging you to take part! As long as you can bake, life is sure to be PAWsome!
Once you bake your creation, donate €5, post your photo on Facebook, and tag our page [insert Branch FB] and tag 5 friends to get involved!
You can donate at [insert fundraiser link]
#ChangingLives #BakeACreationMakeADonation
Image description: Ambassador Dog Rocco sitting on a pavement looking at the camera.
Supporting material
Campaign poster
Social media campaign imagery
Event notice template for distribution to local media and community
Please contact us if you wish to avail of this material.
Thank you for everything you do to support us #ChangingLives